Thursday, March 26, 2009

What Should a Stay at Home Non-Mom Do With Her Time?

I talked to my good friend today. We met in college and have been friends since I was 19 years old. She knows me as well as practically anyone. I told her I was bored with my numerous years of being a stay at home non-mom and asked her what she thought I should do with my life.

Her first suggestion was that I write a book. She said that I have a gift of getting people to do things for me, and referred to a time in college when we needed a board for a table clinic and went to a lumber yard and I asked the man at the lumber yard to take the wood and put the board together for us, which he did at no charge. I later brought the board home and my father painted it for us. We did nothing for the table clinic. I actually don't remember this incident probably because this wasn't my best work.

I'm not the best writer and actually don't think I would enjoy writing an entire book.

She later went on to suggest I do something with animals particularly dogs, because I like them so much. She suggested an organic dog biscutt company. I actually think this is a pretty good idea, but since I'm not very good at cooking or baking this idea may not work either.

She went on to suggest numerous things like, inventions, make my own perfume, import fabric. All of these ideas seemed very good and are things I've actually thought of.

Sometimes having too many options makes a decision more difficult.

I would love to hear what other people would do if they could do anything and didn't have to work for money.

1 comment:

  1. thank goodness your blogs have returned. I was worried for a second you actually got a job and stopped blogging! Cheers to my favorite stay at home NON mom!
