Sunday, May 3, 2009

Frozen Eggs

Sarah Jessica Parker, my favorite actress-ever, is having twins at age 44! How is she doing this you ask? The smart way- through a surrogate mother, using her eggs that were frozen several years ago. I have now started to look into freezing my eggs. I have no desire to have a child right now (or ever), but since I'm 36 years old I need to begin thinking about these things and planning ahead.

What if I change my mind? What if my very smart, reasonable, genius husband changes his mind and begins to think I could some how handle being the mother of his child.

My eggs aren't fresh and are getting older every day. I have read that the healthiest people are the ones whose mothers conceived them at younger ages, because the eggs are newer. Makes sense to me.

The other hugh positive about freezing your eggs and using a surrogate is avoiding the pregnancy and delivery labor part. I feel this is proof that people don't really put much thought into things before they do them, because if they did, I don't think there would be many children in the world because noone in their right mind would want and enjoy being pregnant (I have had friends tell me they have). I don't like to weigh over 112 lbs. I start to become uncomfortable when the scale starts to approach 115; I have to cut back on my fruits and veggies. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to gain 20 -25lbs for pregnancy that would put me between 132-137! I couldn't think of anything more uncomfortable, except for the labor/delivery part , which would be terrifying (I had a friend that said it was easy and only 4 hours) but she has very large hips! I don't, so there is no way this would go well for me.


  1. I find Sarah Jessica Parker's action terribly selfish.


    I mean really, what did she expect? The line was crossed when she decided to tell the world that she had her fertilized eggs implanted into a surrogate.
