Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bear Naked Granola

This granola looks awesome. My friend told me about it as an inspirational story to inspire me to do something with my life.

This granola sounds perfect. I'm always looking for something healthy to snack on when I stop at gas stations while I'm on the road traveling. Everyone knows how hard it can be to find a healthy snack at a gas station. I would love to be able to go for some organic granola or trail mix.

This is also a great story about a girl right out of college not knowing what she wanted to do with her life and really only knowing how to make granola really well. She decided to follow her passion.

My friend was trying to stress that I should follow my passion and find something I'm really good at and enjoy doing. Even if it's something as simple as making granola.

1 comment:

  1. This is really good stuff I can't wait until the next entry. Please do not make me wait so long as I sit by my computer waiting for the next topic. Blog....blah
